Vote Republican Paul Bondar for Congress in OK CD-4

Elect Paul L. Bondar for Congress.

Paul L Bondar, will end the Illegal Immigration Invasion!

Paul Bondar's First order of business, Paul Bondar will lower inflation. Bidenomics must go!

... A land passed to us from our forefathers where, in kind, we are entrusted to pass this great nation to our future generations. While a few wish to tarnish the virtues of this great nation, rewrite history, and discard the sacrifices so many made for the principles of liberty, freedom, and sovereignty, I call upon all people now to reject this assault and instead rebuild, embrace, and always hold true to teach our children freedom is never free. While convenient for today's elites, rewriting history through a cracked lens will be a fruitless exercise destined to fail. Our country has endured more significant threats and challenges over its nearly 250-year life. And with proper leadership, the great American spirit will once again rise to overcome the assaults of today. And just as times were tough when both my grandfathers were called to leave home and defend this nation, serving many years of their lives in WWII, so shall I also battle and defend this country. Because today, once again, this nation and the American way of life as we know it is under attack.

For the reasons we see on television daily, I, Paul L. Bondar, declare my candidacy for the United States Congress. Unfortunately, our American Congress, which was once comprised of patriots, has now become the punch line in many jokes. Luckily, every two years, our constitution allows citizens to throw out elected officials who are going against the American people and replace them with representatives working for the American people. With such, I call on you to take action. If you like the direction this country is going—then don't do anything different. However, if you feel America must be restored to its values, its people must be united. For a change in which Congress acts in the best interest of the American citizen, I ask for your vote and for us to take this on together. Many are intimidated or not strong enough to walk down this path alone; for that reason, I will walk alongside you and bring many others with me so no one defends this country isolated.


Have the government start working again for the American people! Period!!!!

A strong U.S. economy: Create American jobs, energy, and wealth and enhance our standard of living. Prosperity for all!

Reduce wasteful spending!!! Congress spends too much hard-earned taxpayer money on wasteful items.

Get the national debt under control by Congress, eliminating wasteful spending!

Reduction of taxes. U.S. citizens need fair taxes.

Protection of our constitutional rights and civil liberties!

Respect life!

Once again, the United States' respect for foreign leaders must be restored.

Restore the culture and respect lost in this country for each other. Teach children right from wrong, and create a society with values, not crime.

Protect our constitution and your gun rights, free speech, property, and freedom at all costs!


10 Specific reasons why our elected officials are letting us down:

Immigration: a crisis our leaders are not only allowing—but creating. Are you okay with this?

Inflation: Many folks will have to work many additional years to retire, and others will have to choose between food, medications, and insurance. Are you okay with this? This is the United States. Do you agree that the standard of living for many is completely unacceptable?

Education: Kids are falling behind. We have an educational, cultural, and competency crisis within schools. The children of today are tomorrow's leaders and the workforce our country depends on. Are you okay with what is going on?

Foreign policy: In addition to inflation, we are pumping billions of U.S. tax dollars into foreign lands while the world is less safe. Are you happy with this management?

Economy: are we better off today?

Civil liberties and citizen rights: Remember COVID-19? Our leaders took their marching orders to instruct you to do what they were told—obey! Don't think for yourself. And how correct were they? Are you pleased? A lot of mistakes were made. Is there any accountability for anyone???? I'm still waiting...

2nd Amendment - Democrats want to defund the police, release criminals out of jails, and at the same time tell you as a citizen you can't own a gun or specific kinds of firearms… and your mother or wife is afraid to pump gas after dark….Really? Who are you going to call to protect the neighborhood- ghostbusters? Are our leaders making us more -or less safe?

1st Amendment - extensive tech censorship and gross misconduct of the media—when will this be corrected? Ever? I am waiting for Congress actually to act with a result.

The decay of American culture and spirit generally includes a loss of respect in society, devaluation of elders, disregard for our religious leaders, lack of tolerance of ideas, and division created to control people rather than represent and serve citizens.

Voter integrity and a two-tiered justice system: All people need faith in our nation's justice and electoral systems. New leaders must work to repair the issues and restore this faith. Laws must be fairly applied to all people at all times, regardless of a person's political viewpoints. Voting is a right reserved for United States citizens, not illegals who have yet to become citizens.